The focus of our architectural practice is on providing design solutions that reflect the practical needs of our client while also considering the plans and demand of the community. These services include:
Permit Drawings - THP can create construction drawings that reflect the building and land development code issues of the community. THP will work with the community's planning staff to help your project get through the process.
Site Planning - THP can prepare an accurate site plan showing the size of building and parking that can be fit on your site within the existing constraints, and provide initial cost and leasable area numbers for calculations. Our technical proficient team rapidly produces practical and actionable plans for development.
Streetscape and District Design - THP will work with a developer or community to plan and design a prominent district or street.
Historic Perservation - THP is able to address all concerns related to legal requirements that may arise during the development process involving historical preservation.
THP has a trained, dedicated staff with experience in economic and community development. Our expertise covers areas such as:
Business retention and expansion - Rather than attracting new firms to the community THP will help you look for ways retain and expand your existing community business assets.
Real Estate Development and Reuse - THP will work with your organization to prove up the financials, work through the regulatory approval process, and show market demand for your project.
Location Profiling and Site Selection - THP can study the retail, office, and industrial demand in the area of interest and tell you what development is overbuilt, and what sectors are likely to have demand for new property in the future.
Strategic Planning - With fewer resources for economic development, it's important that cities, businesses, and organizations understand the benefits and consequences of their actions. The experienced facilitators at THP will work to develop and focus the mission, objectives, and strategic actions of your organization. Our process will get the leaders of your organization to start thinking and acting strategically before making major decisons.
The community and public planning process involves THP professionals working with the community leaders and citizens to development a range of plans and polices for their town or organization. These plans speak to the vision and goals of each place while also being grounded in the pragmatism and reality of limited funds and resources all communities face. Some services we offer include:
Comprehensive Planning - THP will work with your community to develop a comprehensive plan that will shape the land use, transportation, and other planning needs for your community over the next 20 to 30 years.
Zoning and Code Tactical Planning - THP can research the zoning, codes, and regulatory constraints on your site and tell you what can be built there, and how large it can be. We identify hidden opportunities and overcome the inevitable challenges.
Public Communication - Whether you need a survey, workshop, or public meeting, THP will work with you to get the community input you need to get a project done.
Community Analysis - THP uses GIS, data sets, and other planning tools to understand the economic, social, and environmental forces that influence growth and development within your community.
Copyright 2014, Town Hall Partners, LLC.